/* Print out the primes less than 10000 */ String s1 = "%d\t"; /* good strings for printf */ String s2 = "\n"; Var n: nof(10000, Char); /* will contain1 for prime; 0 for composite */ Tokdef N = [ind:EXP]EXP n *+. (Sizeof(Char) .* ind); /* Token delivering pointer to element of n */ Iddec printf : proc; /* definition provided by ansi library */ Proc main = top () Var i:Int Var j:Int { Rep (i = 2(Int)) { /* set i-th element of n to 1 */ N[* i] = 1(Char); i = (* i + 1(Int)); ?(* i >= 10000(Int)) /* NB assertion fails to continue loop */ } Rep (i = 2(Int) ) { ?{ ?( *(Char)N[* i] == 1(Char)); /* if its a prime ... */ Rep ( j = (* i + * i) ) { /*... wipe out composites */ N[* j] = 0(Char); j = (* j + * i); ?(* j >= 10000(Int)) } | make_top }; i = (* i + 1(Int)); ?(* i >= 100(Int)) }; Rep (i = 2(Int); j = 0(Int) ) { ?{ ?( *(Char)N[* i] == 1(Char)); /* if it's a prime, print it */ printf[top](s1, * i); j = (* j + 1(Int)); ?{ ?( * j == 5(Int)); /* print new line */ printf[top](s2); j = 0(Int) | make_top } | make_top }; i = (* i + 1(Int)); ?(* i >= 10000(Int)) }; return(make_top) }; Keep (main) /* main will be an external name; so will printf since it is not defined */
Struct C (re:Double, im:Double); /* define TOKENs : C as a SHAPE for complex, with field offsets .re and .im and selectors re and im */ Iddec printf:proc; Proc addC = C (lv:C, rv:C) /* add two complex numbers */ Let l = * lv Let r = * rv { return( Cons[shape_offset(C)] ( .re: re[l] F+ re[r], .im: im[l] F+ im[r]) ) } ; String s1 = "Ans = (%g, %g)\n"; Proc main = top() Let x = Cons[shape_offset(C)] (.re: 1.0(Double), .im:2.0(Double)) Let y = Cons[shape_offset(C)] (.re: 3.0(Double), .im:4.0(Double)) Let z = addC[C](x,y) { printf[top](s1, re[z], im[z]); /* prints out "Ans = (4, 6)" */ return(make_top) }; Keep(main)
Iddec printf:proc; String s1 = "%d is not in [%d,%d]\n"; String s2 = "%d OK\n"; Proc test = top(i:Int, l:Int, u:Int) /* report whether l<=i<=u */ ?{ ?(* i >= * l); ?(* i <= * u); printf[top](s2, * i); return(make_top) | printf[top](s1, * i, * l, * u); return(make_top) }; String s3 = "ERROR with %d\n"; Proc main = top() /* check to see that case is working */ Var i:Int = 0(Int) Rep { Labelled { Case * i (0 -> l0, 1 -> l1, 2:3 -> l2, 4:10000 -> l3) | :l0: test[top](* i, 0(Int), 0(Int)) | :l1: test[top](* i, 1(Int), 1(Int)) | :l2: test[top](* i, 2(Int), 3(Int)) | :l3: printf[top](s3, * i) }; i = (* i + 1(Int)); ?(* i > 3(Int)); return(make_top) }; Keep (main, test)
Tokdef IF = [ boolexp:TOKEN[LABEL]EXP, thenpt:EXP, elsept:EXP] EXP ?{ boolexp[lab]; thenpt | :lab: elsept }; /* IF is a TOKEN which can be used to mirror a standard if ... then ... else construction; the boolexp is a formal TOKEN with a LABEL parameter which is jumped to if the boolean is false */ Iddec printf: proc; String cs = "Correct\n"; String ws = "Wrong\n"; Proc main = top() Var i:Int = 0(Int) { IF[ Use [l:LABEL]EXP ?(* i == 0(Int) | l), printf[top](cs), printf[top](ws) ]; /* in other words if (i==0) printf("Correct") else printf("Wrong") */ IF[ Use [l:LABEL]EXP ?(* i != 0(Int) | l), printf[top](ws), printf[top](cs) ]; i = IF[ Use [l:LABEL]EXP ?(* i != 0(Int) | l), 2(Int), 3(Int)]; IF[ Use [l:LABEL]EXP ?(* i == 3(Int) | l), printf[top](cs), printf[top](ws) ]; return(make_top) }; Keep (main)
Iddec printf:proc; Proc f = bottom(env:pointer(frame_alignment), lab:pointer(code_alignment) ) { long_jump(* env, * lab) }; String s1 = "Should not reach here\n"; String s2 = "long-jump OK\n"; Proc main = top() Labelled{ f[bottom](current_env, make_local_lv(l)); printf[top](s1); /* should never reach here */ return(make_top) | :l: printf[top](s2); return(make_top) }; Keep (main)
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