TDF and Portability

January 1998

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2.1 - Portable Programs
2.1.1 - Definitions and Preliminary Discussion
2.1.2 - Separation and Combination of Code
2.1.3 - Application Programming Interfaces
2.1.4 - Compilation Phases
2.2 - Portability Problems
2.2.1 - Programming Problems
2.2.2 - Code Transformation Problems
2.2.3 - Code Combination Problems
2.2.4 - API Problems - API Checking - API Implementation Errors - System Header Problems - System Library Problems
2.3 - APIs and Portability
2.3.1 - Target Dependent Code
2.3.2 - Making APIs Explicit
2.3.3 - Choosing an API
2.3.4 - Alternative Program Versions

2. Portability

We start by examining some of the problems involved in the writing of portable programs. Although the discussion is very general, and makes no mention of TDF, many of the ideas introduced are of importance in the second half of the paper, which deals with TDF.

2.1. Portable Programs

2.1.1. Definitions and Preliminary Discussion

Let us firstly say what we mean by a portable program. A program is portable to a number of machines if it can be compiled to give the same functionality on all those machines. Note that this does not mean that exactly the same source code is used on all the machines. One could envisage a program written in, say, 68020 assembly code for a certain machine which has been translated into 80386 assembly code for some other machine to give a program with exactly equivalent functionality. This would, under our definition, be a program which is portable to these two machines. At the other end of the scale, the C program:

	#include <stdio.h>
	int main ()
	    fputs ( "Hello world\n", stdout ) ;
	    return ( 0 ) ;
which prints the message, "Hello world", onto the standard output stream, will be portable to a vast range of machines without any need for rewriting. Most of the portable programs we shall be considering fall closer to the latter end of the spectrum - they will largely consist of target independent source with small sections of target dependent source for those constructs for which target independent expression is either impossible or of inadequate efficiency.

Note that we are defining portability in terms of a set of target machines and not as some universal property. The act of modifying an existing program to make it portable to a new target machine is called porting. Clearly in the examples above, porting the first program would be a highly complex task involving almost an entire rewrite, whereas in the second case it should be trivial.

2.1.2. Separation and Combination of Code

So why is the second example above more portable (in the sense of more easily ported to a new machine) than the first? The first, obvious, point to be made is that it is written in a high-level language, C, rather than the low-level languages, 68020 and 80386 assembly codes, used in the first example. By using a high-level language we have abstracted out the details of the processor to be used and expressed the program in an architecture neutral form. It is one of the jobs of the compiler on the target machine to transform this high-level representation into the appropriate machine dependent low-level representation.

The second point is that the second example program is not in itself complete. The objects fputs and stdout, representing the procedure to output a string and the standard output stream respectively, are left undefined. Instead the header stdio.h is included on the understanding that it contains the specification of these objects.

A version of this file is to be found on each target machine. On a particular machine it might contain something like:

	typedef struct {
	    int __cnt ;
	    unsigned char *__ptr ;
	    unsigned char *__base ;
	    short __flag ;
	    char __file ;
	} FILE ;
	extern FILE __iob [60] ;
	#define stdout ( &__iob [1] )
	extern int fputs ( const char *, FILE * ) ;
meaning that the type FILE is defined by the given structure, __iob is an external array of 60 FILE's, stdout is a pointer to the second element of this array, and that fputs is an external procedure which takes a const char * and a FILE * and returns an int. On a different machine, the details may be different (exactly what we can, or cannot, assume is the same on all target machines is discussed below).

These details are fed into the program by the pre-processing phase of the compiler. (The various compilation phases are discussed in more detail later - see Fig. 1.) This is a simple, preliminary textual substitution. It provides the definitions of the type FILE and the value stdout (in terms of __iob), but still leaves the precise definitions of __iob and fputs still unresolved (although we do know their types). The definitions of these values are not provided until the final phase of the compilation - linking - where they are linked in from the precompiled system libraries.

Note that, even after the pre-processing phase, our portable program has been transformed into a target dependent form, because of the substitution of the target dependent values from stdio.h. If we had also included the definitions of __iob and, more particularly, fputs, things would have been even worse - the procedure for outputting a string to the screen is likely to be highly target dependent.

To conclude, we have, by including stdio.h, been able to effectively separate the target independent part of our program (the main program) from the target dependent part (the details of stdout and fputs). It is one of the jobs of the compiler to recombine these parts to produce a complete program.

2.1.3. Application Programming Interfaces

As we have seen, the separation of the target dependent sections of a program into the system headers and system libraries greatly facilitates the construction of portable programs. What has been done is to define an interface between the main program and the existing operating system on the target machine in abstract terms. The program should then be portable to any machine which implements this interface correctly.

The interface for the "Hello world" program above might be described as follows : defined in the header stdio.h are a type FILE representing a file, an object stdout of type FILE * representing the standard output file, and a procedure fputs with prototype:

	int fputs ( const char *s, FILE *f ) ;
which prints the string s to the file f. This is an example of an Application Programming Interface (API). Note that it can be split into two aspects, the syntactic (what they are) and the semantic (what they mean). On any machine which implements this API our program is both syntactically correct and does what we expect it to.

The benefit of describing the API at this fairly high level is that it leaves scope for a range of implementation (and thus more machines which implement it) while still encapsulating the main program's requirements.

In the example implementation of stdio.h above we see that this machine implements this API correctly syntactically, but not necessarily semantically. One would have to read the documentation provided on the system to be sure of the semantics.

Another way of defining an API for this program would be to note that the given API is a subset of the ANSI C standard. Thus we could take ANSI C as an "off the shelf" API. It is then clear that our program should be portable to any ANSI-compliant machine.

It is worth emphasising that all programs have an API, even if it is implicit rather than explicit. However it is probably fair to say that programs without an explicit API are only portable by accident. We shall have more to say on this subject later.

2.1.4. Compilation Phases

The general plan for how to write the extreme example of a portable program, namely one which contains no target dependent code, is now clear. It is shown in the compilation diagram in Fig. 1 which represents the traditional compilation process. This diagram is divided into four sections. The left half of the diagram represents the actual program and the right half the associated API. The top half of the diagram represents target independent material - things which only need to be done once - and the bottom half target dependent material - things which need to be done on every target machine.

FIGURE 1. Traditional Compilation Phases

So, we write our target independent program (top left), conforming to the target independent API specification (top right). All the compilation actually takes place on the target machine. This machine must have the API correctly implemented (bottom right). This implementation will in general be in two parts - the system headers, providing type definitions, macros, procedure prototypes and so on, and the system libraries, providing the actual procedure definitions. Another way of characterising this division is between syntax (the system headers) and semantics (the system libraries).

The compilation is divided into three main phases. Firstly the system headers are inserted into the program by the pre-processor. This produces, in effect, a target dependent version of the original program. This is then compiled into a binary object file. During the compilation process the compiler inserts all the information it has about the machine - including the Application Binary Interface (ABI) - the sizes of the basic C types, how they are combined into compound types, the system procedure calling conventions and so on. This ensures that in the final linking phase the binary object file and the system libraries are obeying the same ABI, thereby producing a valid executable. (On a dynamically linked system this final linking phase takes place partially at run time rather than at compile time, but this does not really affect the general scheme.)

The compilation scheme just described consists of a series of phases of two types ; code combination (the pre-processing and system linking phases) and code transformation (the actual compilation phases). The existence of the combination phases allows for the effective separation of the target independent code (in this case, the whole program) from the target dependent code (in this case, the API implementation), thereby aiding the construction of portable programs. These ideas on the separation, combination and transformation of code underlie the TDF approach to portability.

2.2. Portability Problems

We have set out a scheme whereby it should be possible to write portable programs with a minimum of difficulties. So why, in reality, does it cause so many problems? Recall that we are still primarily concerned with programs which contain no target dependent code, although most of the points raised apply by extension to all programs.

2.2.1. Programming Problems

A first, obvious class of problems concern the program itself. It is to be assumed that as many bugs as possible have been eliminated by testing and debugging on at least one platform before a program is considered as a candidate for being a portable program. But for even the most self-contained program, working on one platform is no guarantee of working on another. The program may use undefined behaviour - using uninitialised values or dereferencing null pointers, for example - or have built-in assumptions about the target machine - whether it is big-endian or little-endian, or what the sizes of the basic integer types are, for example. This latter point is going to become increasingly important over the next couple of years as 64-bit architectures begin to be introduced. How many existing programs implicitly assume a 32-bit architecture?

Many of these built-in assumptions may arise because of the conventional porting process. A program is written on one machine, modified slightly to make it work on a second machine, and so on. This means that the program is "biased" towards the existing set of target machines, and most particularly to the original machine it was written on. This applies not only to assumptions about endianness, say, but also to the questions of API conformance which we will be discussing below.

Most compilers will pick up some of the grosser programming errors, particularly by type checking (including procedure arguments if prototypes are used). Some of the subtler errors can be detected using the -Wall option to the Free Software Foundation's GNU C Compiler (gcc) or separate program checking tools such as lint, for example, but this remains a very difficult area.

2.2.2. Code Transformation Problems

We now move on from programming problems to compilation problems. As we mentioned above, compilation may be regarded as a series of phases of two types : combination and transformation. Transformation of code - translating a program in one form into an equivalent program in another form - may lead to a variety of problems. The code may be transformed wrongly, so that the equivalence is broken (a compiler bug), or in an unexpected manner (differing compiler interpretations), or not at all, because it is not recognised as legitimate code (a compiler limitation). The latter two problems are most likely when the input is a high level language, with complex syntax and semantics.

Note that in Fig. 1 all the actual compilation takes place on the target machine. So, to port the program to n machines, we need to deal with the bugs and limitations of n, potentially different, compilers. For example, if you have written your program using prototypes, it is going to be a large and rather tedious job porting it to a compiler which does not have prototypes (this particular example can be automated; not all such jobs can). Other compiler limitations can be surprising - not understanding the L suffix for long numeric literals and not allowing members of enumeration types as array indexes are among the problems drawn from my personal experience.

The differing compiler interpretations may be more subtle. For example, there are differences between ANSI and "traditional" C which may trap the unwary. Examples are the promotion of integral types and the resolution of the linkage of static objects.

Many of these problems may be reduced by using the "same" compiler on all the target machines. For example, gcc has a single front end (C -> RTL) which may be combined with an appropriate back end (RTL -> target) to form a suitable compiler for a wide range of target machines. The existence of a single front end virtually eliminates the problems of differing interpretation of code and compiler quirks. It also reduces the exposure to bugs. Instead of being exposed to the bugs in n separate compilers, we are now only exposed to bugs in one half-compiler (the front end) plus n half-compilers (the back ends) - a total of ( n + 1 ) / 2. (This calculation is not meant totally seriously, but it is true in principle.) Front end bugs, when tracked down, also only require a single workaround.

2.2.3. Code Combination Problems

If code transformation problems may be regarded as a time consuming irritation, involving the rewriting of sections of code or using a different compiler, the second class of problems, those concerned with the combination of code, are far more serious.

The first code combination phase is the pre-processor pulling in the system headers. These can contain some nasty surprises. For example, consider a simple ANSI compliant program which contains a linked list of strings arranged in alphabetical order. This might also contain a routine:

	void index ( char * ) ;
which adds a string to this list in the appropriate position, using strcmp from string.h to find it. This works fine on most machines, but on some it gives the error:

	Only 1 argument to macro 'index'
The reason for this is that the system version of string.h contains the line:

	#define index ( s, c ) strchr ( s, c )
But this is nothing to do with ANSI, this macro is defined for compatibility with BSD.

In reality the system headers on any given machine are a hodge podge of implementations of different APIs, and it is often virtually impossible to separate them (feature test macros such as _POSIX_SOURCE are of some use, but are not always implemented and do not always produce a complete separation; they are only provided for "standard" APIs anyway). The problem above arose because there is no transitivity rule of the form : if program P conforms to API A, and API B extends A, then P conforms to B. The only reason this is not true is these namespace problems.

A second example demonstrates a slightly different point. The POSIX standard states that sys/stat.h contains the definition of the structure struct stat, which includes several members, amongst them:

	time_t st_atime ;
representing the access time for the corresponding file. So the program:

	#include <sys/types.h>
	#include <sys/stat.h>
	time_t st_atime ( struct stat *p )
	    return ( p->st_atime ) ;
should be perfectly valid - the procedure name st_atime and the field selector st_atime occupy different namespaces (see however the appendix on namespaces and APIs below). However at least one popular operating system has the implementation:

	struct stat {
	    union {
		time_t st__sec ;
		timestruc_t st__tim ;
	    } st_atim ;
	} ;
	#define st_atime st_atim.st__sec
This seems like a perfectly legitimate implementation. In the program above the field selector st_atime is replaced by st_atim.st__sec by the pre-processor, as intended, but unfortunately so is the procedure name st_atime, leading to a syntax error.

The problem here is not with the program or the implementation, but in the way they were combined. C does not allow individual field selectors to be defined. Instead the indiscriminate sledgehammer of macro substitution was used, leading to the problem described.

Problems can also occur in the other combination phase of the traditional compilation scheme, the system linking. Consider the ANSI compliant routine:

	#include <stdio.h>
	int open ( char *nm )
	    int c, n = 0 ;
	    FILE *f = fopen ( nm, "r" ) ;
	    if ( f == NULL ) return ( -1 ) ;
	    while ( c = getc ( f ), c != EOF ) n++ ;
	    ( void ) fclose ( f ) ;
	    return ( n ) ;
which opens the file nm, returning its size in bytes if it exists and -1 otherwise. As a quick porting exercise, I compiled it under six different operating systems. On three it worked correctly; on one it returned -1 even when the file existed; and on two it crashed with a segmentation error.

The reason for this lies in the system linking. On those machines which failed the library routine fopen calls (either directly or indirectly) the library routine open (which is in POSIX, but not ANSI). The system linker, however, linked my routine open instead of the system version, so the call to fopen did not work correctly.

So code combination problems are primarily namespace problems. The task of combining the program with the API implementation on a given platform is complicated by the fact that, because the system headers and system libraries contain things other than the API implementation, or even because of the particular implementation chosen, the various namespaces in which the program is expected to operate become "polluted".

2.2.4. API Problems

We have said that the API defines the interface between the program and the standard library provided with the operating system on the target machine. There are three main problems concerned with APIs. The first, how to choose the API in the first place, is discussed separately. Here we deal with the compilation aspects : how to check that the program conforms to its API, and what to do about incorrect API implementations on the target machine(s). API Checking

The problem of whether or not a program conforms to its API - not using any objects from the operating system other than those specified in the API, and not making any unwarranted assumptions about these objects - is one which does not always receive sufficient attention, mostly because the necessary checking tools do not exist (or at least are not widely available). Compiling the program on a number of API compliant machines merely checks the program against the system headers for these machines. For a genuine portability check we need to check against the abstract API description, thereby in effect checking against all possible implementations.

Recall from above that the system headers on a given machine are an amalgam of all the APIs it implements. This can cause programs which should compile not to, because of namespace clashes; but it may also cause programs to compile which should not, because they have used objects which are not in their API, but which are in the system headers. For example, the supposedly ANSI compliant program:

	#include <signal.h>
	int sig = SIGKILL ;
will compile on most systems, despite the fact that SIGKILL is not an ANSI signal, because SIGKILL is in POSIX, which is also implemented in the system signal.h. Again, feature test macros are of some use in trying to isolate the implementation of a single API from the rest of the system headers. However they are highly unlikely to detect the error in the following supposedly POSIX compliant program which prints the entries of the directory nm, together with their inode numbers:

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <sys/types.h>
	#include <dirent.h>
	void listdir ( char *nm )
	    struct dirent *entry ;
	    DIR *dir = opendir ( nm ) ;
	    if ( dir == NULL ) return ;
	    while ( entry = readdir ( dir ), entry != NULL ) {
		printf ( "%s : %d\n", entry->d_name, ( int ) entry->d_ino ) ;
	    ( void ) closedir ( dir ) ;
	    return ;
This is not POSIX compliant because, whereas the d_name field of struct dirent is in POSIX, the d_ino field is not. It is however in XPG3, so it is likely to be in many system implementations.

The previous examples have been concerned with simply telling whether or not a particular object is in an API. A more difficult, and in a way more important, problem is that of assuming too much about the objects which are in the API. For example, in the program:

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	div_t d = { 3, 4 } ;
	int main ()
	    printf ( "%d,%d\n", d.quot, d.rem ) ;
	    return ( 0 ) ;
the ANSI standard specifies that the type div_t is a structure containing two fields, quot and rem, of type int, but it does not specify which order these fields appear in, or indeed if there are other fields. Therefore the initialisation of d is not portable. Again, the type time_t is used to represent times in seconds since a certain fixed date. On most systems this is implemented as long, so it is tempting to use ( t & 1 ) to determine for a time_t t whether this number of seconds is odd or even. But ANSI actually says that time_t is an arithmetic, not an integer, type, so it would be possible for it to be implemented as double. But in this case ( t & 1 ) is not even type correct, so it is not a portable way of finding out whether t is odd or even. API Implementation Errors

Undoubtedly the problem which causes the writer of portable programs the greatest headache (and heartache) is that of incorrect API implementations. However carefully you have chosen your API and checked that your program conforms to it, you are still reliant on someone (usually the system vendor) having implemented this API correctly on the target machine. Machines which do not implement the API at all do not enter the equation (they are not suitable target machines), what causes problems is incorrect implementations. As the implementation may be divided into two parts - system headers and system libraries - we shall similarly divide our discussion. Inevitably the choice of examples is personal; anyone who has ever attempted to port a program to a new machine is likely to have their own favourite examples. System Header Problems

Some header problems are immediately apparent because they are syntactic and cause the program to fail to compile. For example, values may not be defined or be defined in the wrong place (not in the header prescribed by the API).

A common example (one which I have to include a workaround for in virtually every program I write) is that EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are not always defined (ANSI specifies that they should be in stdlib.h). It is tempting to change exit (EXIT_FAILURE) to exit (1) because "everyone knows" that EXIT_FAILURE is 1. But this is to decrease the portability of the program because it ties it to a particular class of implementations. A better workaround would be:

	#include <stdlib.h>
	#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
which assumes that anyone choosing a non-standard value for EXIT_FAILURE is more likely to put it in stdlib.h. Of course, if one subsequently came across a machine on which not only is EXIT_FAILURE not defined, but also the value it should have is not 1, then it would be necessary to resort to #ifdef machine_name statements. The same is true of all the API implementation problems we shall be discussing : non-conformant machines require workarounds involving conditional compilation. As more machines are considered, so these conditional compilations multiply.

As an example of things being defined in the wrong place, ANSI specifies that SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR and SEEK_END should be defined in stdio.h, whereas POSIX specifies that they should also be defined in unistd.h. It is not uncommon to find machines on which they are defined in the latter but not in the former. A possible workaround in this case would be:

	#include <stdio.h>
	#ifndef SEEK_SET
	#include <unistd.h>
Of course, by including "unnecessary" headers like unistd.h the risk of namespace clashes such as those discussed above is increased.

A final syntactic problem, which perhaps should belong with the system header problems above, concerns dependencies between the headers themselves. For example, the POSIX header unistd.h declares functions involving some of the types pid_t, uid_t etc, defined in sys/types.h. Is it necessary to include sys/types.h before including unistd.h, or does unistd.h automatically include sys/types.h? The approach of playing safe and including everything will normally work, but this can lead to multiple inclusions of a header. This will normally cause no problems because the system headers are protected against multiple inclusions by means of macros, but it is not unknown for certain headers to be left unprotected. Also not all header dependencies are as clear cut as the one given, so that what headers need to be included, and in what order, is in fact target dependent.

There can also be semantic errors in the system headers : namely wrongly defined values. The following two examples are taken from real operating systems. Firstly the definition:

	#define DBL_MAX 1.797693134862316E+308
in float.h on an IEEE-compliant machine is subtly wrong - the given value does not fit into a double - the correct value is:

	#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
Again, the type definition:

	typedef int size_t ; /* ??? */
(sic) is not compliant with ANSI, which says that size_t is an unsigned integer type. (I'm not sure if this is better or worse than another system which defines ptrdiff_t to be unsigned int when it is meant to be signed. This would mean that the difference between any two pointers is always positive.) These particular examples are irritating because it would have cost nothing to get things right, correcting the value of DBL_MAX and changing the definition of size_t to unsigned int. These corrections are so minor that the modified system headers would still be a valid interface for the existing system libraries (we shall have more to say about this later). However it is not possible to change the system headers, so it is necessary to build workarounds into the program. Whereas in the first case it is possible to devise such a workaround:

	#include <float.h>
	#ifdef machine_name
	#undef DBL_MAX
	#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
for example, in the second, because size_t is defined by a typedef it is virtually impossible to correct in a simple fashion. Thus any program which relies on the fact that size_t is unsigned will require considerable rewriting before it can be ported to this machine. System Library Problems

The system header problems just discussed are primarily syntactic problems. By contrast, system library problems are primarily semantic - the provided library routines do not behave in the way specified by the API. This makes them harder to detect. For example, consider the routine:

	void *realloc ( void *p, size_t s ) ;
which reallocates the block of memory p to have size s bytes, returning the new block of memory. The ANSI standard says that if p is the null pointer, then the effect of realloc ( p, s ) is the same as malloc ( s ), that is, to allocate a new block of memory of size s. This behaviour is exploited in the following program, in which the routine add_char adds a character to the expanding array, buffer:

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	char *buffer = NULL ;
	int buff_sz = 0, buff_posn = 0 ;
	void add_char ( char c )
	    if ( buff_posn >= buff_sz ) {
		buff_sz += 100 ;
		buffer = ( char * ) realloc ( ( void * ) buffer, buff_sz * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
		if ( buffer == NULL ) {
		    fprintf ( stderr, "Memory allocation error\n" ) ;
		    exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;
	    buffer [ buff_posn++ ] = c ;
	    return ;
On the first call of add_char, buffer is set to a real block of memory (as opposed to NULL) by a call of the form realloc ( NULL, s ). This is extremely convenient and efficient - if it was not for this behaviour we would have to have an explicit initialisation of buffer, either as a special case in add_char or in a separate initialisation routine.

Of course this all depends on the behaviour of realloc ( NULL, s ) having been implemented precisely as described in the ANSI standard. The first indication that this is not so on a particular target machine might be when the program is compiled and run on that machine for the first time and does not perform as expected. To track the problem down will demand time debugging the program.

Once the problem has been identified as being with realloc a number of possible workarounds are possible. Perhaps the most interesting is to replace the inclusion of stdlib.h by the following:

	#include <stdlib.h>
	#ifdef machine_name
	#define realloc ( p, s )\
	    ( ( p ) ? ( realloc ) ( p, s ) : malloc ( s ) )
where realloc ( p, s ) is redefined as a macro which is the result of the procedure realloc if p is not null, and malloc ( s ) otherwise. (In fact this macro will not always have the desired effect, although it does in this case. Why (exercise)?)

The only alternative to this trial and error approach to finding API implementation problems is the application of personal experience, either of the particular target machine or of things that are implemented wrongly by many machines and as such should be avoided. This sort of detailed knowledge is not easily acquired. Nor can it ever be complete: new operating system releases are becoming increasingly regular and are on occasions quite as likely to introduce new implementation errors as to solve existing ones. It is in short a "black art".

2.3. APIs and Portability

We now return to our discussion of the general issues involved in portability to more closely examine the role of the API.

2.3.1. Target Dependent Code

So far we have been considering programs which contain no conditional compilation, in which the API forms the basis of the separation of the target independent code (the whole program) and the target dependent code (the API implementation). But a glance at most large C programs will reveal that they do contain conditional compilation. The code is scattered with #if's and #ifdef's which, in effect, cause the pre-processor to construct slightly different programs on different target machines. So here we do not have a clean division between the target independent and the target dependent code - there are small sections of target dependent code spread throughout the program.

Let us briefly consider some of the reasons why it is necessary to introduce this conditional compilation. Some have already been mentioned - workarounds for compiler bugs, compiler limitations, and API implementation errors; others will be considered later. However the most interesting and important cases concern things which need to be done genuinely differently on different machines. This can be because they really cannot be expressed in a target independent manner, or because the target independent way of doing them is unacceptably inefficient.

Efficiency (either in terms of time or space) is a key issue in many programs. The argument is often advanced that writing a program portably means using the, often inefficient, lowest common denominator approach. But under our definition of portability it is the functionality that matters, not the actual source code. There is nothing to stop different code being used on different machines for reasons of efficiency.

To examine the relationship between target dependent code and APIs, consider the simple program:

	#include <stdio.h>
	int main ()
	#ifdef mips
	    fputs ( "This machine is a mips\n", stdout ) ;
	    return ( 0 ) ;
which prints a message if the target machine is a mips. What is the API of this program? Basically it is the same as in the "Hello world" example discussed in sections 2.1.1
and 2.1.2, but if we wish the API to fully describe the interface between the program and the target machine, we must also say that whether or not the macro mips is defined is part of the API. Like the rest of the API, this has a semantic aspect as well as a syntactic - in this case that mips is only defined on mips machines. Where it differs is in its implementation. Whereas the main part of the API is implemented in the system headers and the system libraries, the implementation of either defining, or not defining, mips ultimately rests with the person performing the compilation. (In this particular example, the macro mips is normally built into the compiler on mips machines, but this is only a convention.)

So the API in this case has two components : a system-defined part which is implemented in the system headers and system libraries, and a user-defined part which ultimately relies on the person performing the compilation to provide an implementation. The main point to be made in this section is that introducing target dependent code is equivalent to introducing a user-defined component to the API. The actual compilation process in the case of programs containing target dependent code is basically the same as that shown in Fig. 1. But whereas previously the vertical division of the diagram also reflects a division of responsibility - the left hand side is the responsibility of the programmer (the person writing the program), and the right hand side of the API specifier (for example, a standards defining body) and the API implementor (the system vendor) - now the right hand side is partially the responsibility of the programmer and the person performing the compilation. The programmer specifies the user-defined component of the API, and the person compiling the program either implements this API (as in the mips example above) or chooses between a number of alternative implementations provided by the programmer (as in the example below).

Let us consider a more complex example. Consider the following program which assumes, for simplicity, that an unsigned int contains 32 bits:

	#include <stdio.h>
	#include "config.h"
	#ifndef SLOW_SHIFT
	#define MSB ( a ) ( ( unsigned char ) ( a >> 24 ) )
	#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
	#define MSB ( a ) *( ( unsigned char * ) &( a ) )
	#define MSB ( a ) *( ( unsigned char * ) &( a ) + 3 )
	unsigned int x = 100000000 ;
	int main ()
	    printf ( "%u\n", MSB ( x ) ) ;
	    return ( 0 ) ;
The intention is to print the most significant byte of x. Three alternative definitions of the macro MSB used to extract this value are provided. The first, if SLOW_SHIFT is not defined, is simply to shift the value right by 24 bits. This will work on all 32-bit machines, but may be inefficient (depending on the nature of the machine's shift instruction). So two alternatives are provided. An unsigned int is assumed to consist of four unsigned char's. On a big-endian machine, the most significant byte is the first of these unsigned char's; on a little-endian machine it is the fourth. The second definition of MSB is intended to reflect the former case, and the third the latter.

The person compiling the program has to choose between the three possible implementations of MSB provided by the programmer. This is done by either defining, or not defining, the macros SLOW_SHIFT and BIG_ENDIAN. This could be done as command line options, but we have chosen to reflect another commonly used device, the configuration file. For each target machine, the programmer provides a version of the file config.h which defines the appropriate combination of the macros SLOW_SHIFT and BIG_ENDIAN. The person performing the compilation simply chooses the appropriate config.h for the target machine.

There are two possible ways of looking at what the user-defined API of this program is. Possibly it is most natural to say that it is MSB, but it could also be argued that it is the macros SLOW_SHIFT and BIG_ENDIAN. The former more accurately describes the target dependent code, but is only implemented indirectly, via the latter.

2.3.2. Making APIs Explicit

As we have said, every program has an API even if it is implicit rather than explicit. Every system header included, every type or value used from it, and every library routine used, adds to the system-defined component of the API, and every conditional compilation adds to the user-defined component. What making the API explicit does is to encapsulate the set of requirements that the program has of the target machine (including requirements like, I need to know whether or not the target machine is big-endian, as well as, I need fputs to be implemented as in the ANSI standard). By making these requirements explicit it is made absolutely clear what is needed on a target machine if a program is to be ported to it. If the requirements are not explicit this can only be found by trial and error. This is what we meant earlier by saying that a program without an explicit API is only portable by accident.

Another advantage of specifying the requirements of a program is that it may increase their chances of being implemented. We have spoken as if porting is a one-way process; program writers porting their programs to new machines. But there is also traffic the other way. Machine vendors may wish certain programs to be ported to their machines. If these programs come with a list of requirements then the vendor knows precisely what to implement in order to make such a port possible.

2.3.3. Choosing an API

So how does one go about choosing an API? In a sense the user-defined component is easier to specify than the system-defined component because it is less tied to particular implementation models. What is required is to abstract out what exactly needs to be done in a target dependent manner and to decide how best to separate it out. The most difficult problem is how to make the implementation of this API as simple as possible for the person performing the compilation, if necessary providing a number of alternative implementations to choose between and a simple method of making this choice (for example, the config.h file above). With the system-defined component the question is more likely to be, how do the various target machines I have in mind implement what I want to do? The abstraction of this is usually to choose a standard and widely implemented API, such as POSIX, which provides all the necessary functionality.

The choice of "standard" API is of course influenced by the type of target machines one has in mind. Within the Unix world, the increasing adoption of Open Standards, such as POSIX, means that choosing a standard API which is implemented on a wide variety Unix boxes is becoming easier. Similarly, choosing an API which will work on most MSDOS machines should cause few problems. The difficulty is that these are disjoint worlds; it is very difficult to find a standard API which is implemented on both Unix and MSDOS machines. At present not much can be done about this, it reflects the disjoint nature of the computer market.

To develop a similar point : the drawback of choosing POSIX (for example) as an API is that it restricts the range of possible target machines to machines which implement POSIX. Other machines, for example, BSD compliant machines, might offer the same functionality (albeit using different methods), so they should be potential target machines, but they have been excluded by the choice of API. One approach to the problem is the "alternative API" approach. Both the POSIX and the BSD variants are built into the program, but only one is selected on any given target machine by means of conditional compilation. Under our "equivalent functionality" definition of portability, this is a program which is portable to both POSIX and BSD compliant machines. But viewed in the light of the discussion above, if we regard a program as a program-API pair, it could be regarded as two separate programs combined on a single source code tree. A more interesting approach would be to try to abstract out what exactly the functionality which both POSIX and BSD offer is and use that as the API. Then instead of two separate APIs we would have a single API with two broad classes of implementations. The advantage of this latter approach becomes clear if wished to port the program to a machine which implements neither POSIX nor BSD, but provides the equivalent functionality in a third way.

As a simple example, both POSIX and BSD provide very similar methods for scanning the entries of a directory. The main difference is that the POSIX version is defined in dirent.h and uses a structure called struct dirent, whereas the BSD version is defined in sys/dir.h and calls the corresponding structure struct direct. The actual routines for manipulating directories are the same in both cases. So the only abstraction required to unify these two APIs is to introduce an abstract type, dir_entry say, which can be defined by:

	typedef struct dirent dir_entry ;
on POSIX machines, and:

	typedef struct direct dir_entry ;
on BSD machines. Note how this portion of the API crosses the system-user boundary. The object dir_entry is defined in terms of the objects in the system headers, but the precise definition depends on a user-defined value (whether the target machine implements POSIX or BSD).

2.3.4. Alternative Program Versions

Another reason for introducing conditional compilation which relates to APIs is the desire to combine several programs, or versions of programs, on a single source tree. There are several cases to be distinguished between. The reuse of code between genuinely different programs does not really enter the argument : any given program will only use one route through the source tree, so there is no real conditional compilation per se in the program. What is more interesting is the use of conditional compilation to combine several versions of the same program on the same source tree to provide additional or alternative features.

It could be argued that the macros (or whatever) used to select between the various versions of the program are just part of the user-defined API as before. But consider a simple program which reads in some numerical input, say, processes it, and prints the results. This might, for example, have POSIX as its API. We may wish to optionally enhance this by displaying the results graphically rather than textually on machines which have X Windows, the compilation being conditional on some boolean value, HAVE_X_WINDOWS, say. What is the API of the resultant program? The answer from the point of view of the program is the union of POSIX, X Windows and the user-defined value HAVE_X_WINDOWS. But from the implementation point of view we can either implement POSIX and set HAVE_X_WINDOWS to false, or implement both POSIX and X Windows and set HAVE_X_WINDOWS to true. So what introducing HAVE_X_WINDOWS does is to allow flexibility in the API implementation.

This is very similar to the alternative APIs discussed above. However the approach outlined will really only work for optional API extensions. To work in the alternative API case, we would need to have the union of POSIX, BSD and a boolean value, say, as the API. Although this is possible in theory, it is likely to lead to namespace clashes between POSIX and BSD.

Appendix: Namespaces and APIs

Namespace problems are amongst the most difficult faced by standard defining bodies (for example, the ANSI and POSIX committees) and they often go to great lengths to specify which names should, and should not, appear when certain headers are included. (The position is set out in D. F. Prosser, Header and name space rules for UNIX systems (private communication), USL, 1993.)

For example, the intention, certainly in ANSI, is that each header should operate as an independent sub-API. Thus va_list is prohibited from appearing in the namespace when stdio.h is included (it is defined only in stdarg.h) despite the fact that it appears in the prototype:

	int vprintf ( char *, va_list ) ;
This seeming contradiction is worked round on most implementations by defining a type __va_list in stdio.h which has exactly the same definition as va_list, and declaring vprintf as:

	int vprintf ( char *, __va_list ) ;
This is only legal because __va_list is deemed not to corrupt the namespace because of the convention that names beginning with __ are reserved for implementation use.

This particular namespace convention is well-known, but there are others defined in these standards which are not generally known (and since no compiler I know tests them, not widely adhered to). For example, the ANSI header errno.h reserves all names given by the regular expression:

against macros (i.e. in all namespaces). By prohibiting the user from using names of this form, the intention is to protect against namespace clashes with extensions of the ANSI API which introduce new error numbers. It also protects against a particular implementation of these extensions - namely that new error numbers will be defined as macros.

A better example of protecting against particular implementations comes from POSIX. If sys/stat.h is included names of the form:

are reserved against macros (as member names). The intention here is not only to reserve field selector names for future extensions to struct stat (which would only affect API implementors, not ordinary users), but also to reserve against the possibility that these field selectors might be implemented by macros. So our st_atime example in section 2.2.3
is strictly illegal because the procedure name st_atime lies in a restricted namespace. Indeed the namespace is restricted precisely to disallow this program.

As an exercise to the reader, how many of your programs use names from the following restricted namespaces (all drawn from ANSI, all applying to all namespaces)?

	is[a-z][0-9a-z_A-Z]+				(ctype.h)
	to[a-z][0-9a-z_A-Z]+				(ctype.h)
	str[a-z][0-9a-z_A-Z]+				(stdlib.h)
With the TDF approach of describing APIs in abstract terms using the #pragma token syntax most of these namespace restrictions are seen to be superfluous. When a target independent header is included precisely the objects defined in that header in that version of the API appear in the namespace. There are no worries about what else might happen to be in the header, because there is nothing else. Also implementation details are separated off to the TDF library building, so possible namespace pollution through particular implementations does not arise.

Currently TDF does not have a neat way of solving the va_list problem. The present target independent headers use a similar workaround to that described above (exploiting a reserved namespace). (See the footnote in section

None of this is intended as criticism of the ANSI or POSIX standards. It merely shows some of the problems that can arise from the insufficient separation of code.

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