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  (C) 2002 Patryk Zadarnowski, or whoever else
  feels like owning some useless TeX code.
  All rights reserved pantswide.

If you must be serious, look at it as a proof of concept. Our K-fish swims around, going about its fishy business, and now, if you haven't had yours today, you can get some delivered directly to your screen, fresh as any you'll find at your local, pretty as ASCII, and written in the most portable, the only verified compiler around - TEX!

Whatever you do, don't delay - download your copy of K-fish today!

System requirements:

  1. a working Turing machine,
  2. a copy of TEX suitable for execution on said Turing machine,
  3. a power point (or some other suitable source of energy for the Turing machine) and, of course,
  4. a K-fish!