Open Source Projects
Here is a short inventory of my various open-source projects, both big
and small. Most of these projects also come with a dedicated web page,
which you can achieve by clicking on the highlighted project name.
If you would like to contribute any code, bug reports, improvements
or random thoughts, feel free to contact me.
Current Projects
- FunCC,
a formally-verified, verifying and standards-compliant C compiler suite.
This is currently my main hobby project, in which I attempt to continue
the work begun during my PhD research, aiming to
implement a complete C compiler that is subject to stringent and
formally-verified correctness guarantees, complies with the precise
ANSI C89 and C99 standard specifications of the language, supports all
known GNU C extensions, performs extensive optimisations of the generated
programs and, last but not least, accomodates and aids formal reasoning
about arbirary correctness properties of the actual C programs being
compiled, effectively answering Tony Hoare's grand challenge for computer
science. Easy as a pie, eh? Well, these are the aims of the project,
the actual expectations are somewhat more modest and, in reality, I intend
FunCC to represent simply a bagful of pragmatic results from my research
in the area of program translation. For the current status and progress,
please check out the FunCC project page.
- lambdaTEX,
a sophisticated typesetting system for Haskell (and other) source code,
written entirely in TEX and, accordingly,
requiring no preprocessor or other external tools. Originally conceived
as a silly experiment in TEX hacking,
the system has since been applied in a number of serious projects,
including my own PhD dissertation.
- libunidata,
an attempt to capture the entirety of information contained in the
Unicode Character Database.
While there are other similar libraries around, libunidata is the only
one that is designed for portability and sharing across programming languages,
currently providing bindings for C, C++ and Haskell.
Miscellaneous Endeavours
Interesting and potentially useful code that doesn't really qualify
as a full-featured project. Still, I welcome
your comments, improvements and suggestions regarding these little
- Models of LCF,
my reprint of Robin Milner's seminal 1973 paper by the same title.
The original technical report,
available from Stanford University,
was badly corruped by a non-discriminative attempt to apply a dubious
optical character recognision to Milner's hand-written formulae, rendering
much of the material all but illegible. As my own little personal tribute
to one of the greatest computer scientists of our time, I have rendered the
report in TEX, taking every care to preserve
the original content as much as possible within the constraints imposed by
the poor quality of its publically-available digitised version.
- TenDRA,
original sources of the amazing TenDRA C/C++ compiler suite, which I'm
hosting here for archival purposes on the request of one of their authors,
Dr. Phil Core.
- K-Fish Generator,
a small ASCII art generator written entirely in
TEX. If you must be serious, take it as a proof
of concept; otherwise, just enjoy a little K-fish in your life!
Past Projects
The following projects are now deemed dormant and of historical interest
only. I include them here in case someone finds some of my code useful, but
please do not expect me to fix any bugs or provide help with the installation
and usage of this material.
- Sulima,
an extendible instruction set simulator framework, including a design
of an algorithm for a speculative, distributed, lock-free and cycle-accurate
instruction simulation inspired by the IVY distributed shared memory algorithm
described in Kai Li and Paul Hudak in Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual
Memory Systems, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 7(4), November
1989. A partial implementation of Sulima constituted my undergraduate honours